News & Articles By Jhoanna Robinson
By Jhoanna Robinson
DNA testing a waste? Even after people find out their disease risks, they don’t do anything to change their health habits
A study showed that 18 people – eight of whom lived in the United States – who knew what diseases they are most likely to incur should they continue the lifestyle they currently had were not alarmed at all; they went ahead and still kept endangering their bodies. This year, Mountain View, California-based personal genomics […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Ebola virus survives for two years in the semen of infection survivors
Researchers at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill have recently discovered that the Ebola virus ribonucleic acid (RNA) remains in the semen of Ebola survivors even after two years of recovery. In a study that was published on Saturday, July 22 in Open Forum Infectious Diseases, researchers found out that even after two […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Artificial lights found to suppress pollination, contributing to destruction of ecosystem
A team from the Institute of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Bern in Switzerland that was led by Eva Knop found out that nocturnal pollination can in fact be disrupted by artificial lighting. “As it is possible that light-sensitive insects have already disappeared in regions with high levels of light pollution, we conducted […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Solar cell breakthrough could DOUBLE energy capture efficiency to over 40%
A prototype for a new solar cell that compiles multiple devices into a single device that has the capability of obtaining almost all of the energy in the solar spectrum has been designed by scientists at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The new model, which transforms direct sunlight into electricity at an accuracy level […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Chimpanzees found to accumulate and transfer cultural knowledge from one generation to the next
A study that was recently published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior showed that chimpanzees, which the theory of evolution says are where men are descended from, exhibit “cumulative culture”, or the ability to build on the work of others. Until now, it was thought that only humans, baboons, and pigeons had this ability. In […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Revolutionary toothbrush cleans your entire mouth in just 10 seconds using vibration
Are you too tired and weary every night because of the long day that you had and all you want to do when you get home is just fall on your bed and sleep? That would be a nightmare for your teeth, as plaque and cavity buildup is sure to follow this routine. Do not […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Plant roots grow and spread like neurons in the human brain, shocked scientists discover
A research project that was conducted by a team of researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, California that was titled A Statistical Description of Plant Shoot Architecture and was published in the journal Current Biology, concluded that plants grow very similarly like neurons in the human brain. Saket Navlakha, assistant […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Self-driving car systems are getting “confused” by kangaroos
Swedish automaker Volvo has recently found out that their driverless car systems are having difficulty when it comes to identifying the presence of kangaroos on the road as their detection sensors fail to discern kangaroos’ hopping motions. During a trial session that happened 18 months ago in Canberra, Australia, researchers found out that the kangaroos’ […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
North Carolina residents want to know if Dupont is secretly polluting their drinking water
Residents of Wilmington, North Carolina want to know if the water they are drinking every day could possibly kill them. Chemical conglomerate DuPont and its spinoff company Chemours’ manufacturing plants are located upstream from Wilmington – on a 2,100-acre property on the Cape Fear River in Fayeteville – where they produce GenX, a potentially cancer-causing […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Physics breakthrough can use sunlight to directly transform CO2 into clean fuels like methane, without using fossil fuels
Researchers at the University of Adelaide, in collaboration with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, have found a way to keep on using carbon-based fuel technologies without producing too much of the atmospheric greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) by doing away with fossil fuels. In the study that was published in the Journal of […]
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