News & Articles By Jhoanna Robinson
By Jhoanna Robinson
Share your struggles to make children more resilient: New research shows even babies can learn to work hard if they see adults work hard
A new study conducted by a team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) concluded that infants as young as 15 months are willing to put in the extra effort to accomplish something if they observe adults trying hard to achieve their end goal. “In modern, industrialized cultures, children learn primarily by being instructed in knowledge and […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Researchers share how to conquer herbicide-resistant superweeds that threaten the food supply in the Midwest
In the latest edition of Weed Science, researchers shared new knowledge about how to manage the growth of herbicide-resistant kochia, a weed that takes nutrients from both dryland and irrigated crops across the Great Plains. Kochia usually starts to sprout in late February or early March before the emergence of other summer annual weed species. It […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Magnet therapy shows promise in alleviating anxiety, research finds
Fears can now be blocked in a split second, provided that a specific region of your brain will be stimulated magnetically. This is a novel undertaking, seeing that a lot of people these days are afflicted with all kinds of phobias; some panic the first moment that they step foot on an aircraft, others howl […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
New method of dental imaging uses squid ink for a painless, non-invasive check-up
According to engineers at the University of California San Diego, people who are getting checked at their dentists’ offices for gum disease need not worry anymore about pain and discomfort. Why? Because squid ink is the answer to their problems. In a study that was published in the Journal of Dental Research, the researchers developed […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Be your own generator: New technology converts energy from bloodflow into electricity
Dams and huge turbines are built to convert the water energy that waterfalls and rivers have into electricity. In order to manufacture that kind of energy on a far smaller scale, Chinese scientists are working on a lightweight power generator which is based on carbon nanotube fibers that can convert even the energy of the […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
African dogs “vote” on group decisions by SNEEZING
We put someone in a position of power based on how trustworthy and capable we think they are. We do this by by holding an electoral voting process, whose intricacies we would not delve into. How about animals? How do they reach a consensus as to who to put in power? According to a study […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Beeswax found to reduce stress and improve sleep thanks to this remarkable molecule
Octacosanol – which can be found in beeswax, wheat germ oil, rice bran, sugar cane, and other varieties of plants – has been discovered to lessen the effects of stress and encourage a long and restful sleep, scientists said. According to a study published in Scientific Reports, which was conducted by a team from the International […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
The Roman Empire was poisoning its citizens with toxic lead at least two centuries earlier than believed
The ancient Roman plumbing system was a remarkable feat in civil engineering, which paved the way for the provision of fresh water to the urbanites who lived hundreds of kilometers away. Rich members of the society had hot and cold running water, as well as a functioning sewage system to ensure the proper removal of […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Memphis Meats receives massive investment from Bill Gates; hopes to eliminate all animal slaughter within 30 years
In just three years, you may be chomping down on a “lab burger” and putting gravy over a “test-tube chicken” if a new venture company has anything to say about it. San Francisco, California-based startup Memphis Meats is intent on developing meat from stem cells. And they might just be successful, thanks to the investment […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Flame retardant chemicals found to interfere with women’s fertility
A study done at the Fertility Clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital concluded that organophosphate flame retardants (PFRs), which are utilized in the manufacture of such products as upholstered furniture, gym mats, baby products, and yoga mats, negatively impacted women’s reproductive health. Flame-retardant materials are popular because manufacturers wish to accommodate consumer demand for products that burn easily. […]
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