News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Trump takes aim at vaccines, names Robert F. Kennedy Jr. head of new commission to expose dangers of mercury preservative (Thimerosal)
After taking aim at Big Pharma’s monopoly profits earlier today, President-elect Donald Trump is going right for the throat of the corrupt, criminally run vaccine industry by naming Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as head of a new commission to study “vaccine safety.” This is the beginning of the implosion of the decades-long vaccine cover-up conspiracy […]
By Mike Adams
Kacper Postawski joins Health Ranger for “tell-all” interview about Adya Clarity irresponsible marketing, clinical trial mistakes, lessons learned and better ways to help humanity heal
A few years ago, I publicly exposed the marketing fraud behind a product called “Adya Clarity,” a collection of inorganic minerals mined out of the ground and dissolved in acid and water to be sold as a dietary supplement. Its promoters loudly proclaimed the product was able to remove heavy metals from the body. It […]
By Mike Adams
Now you can HEAR chemistry: Health Ranger translates molecules into music in stunning video demonstration that will blow your mind (and your ears)
What you are about to witness is something I first performed live in Dallas at The Truth About Cancer symposium in 2016, in front of an audience of tens of thousands of people (live + online streaming). It was so astonishing to the audience — truly jaw-dropping — that people couldn’t stop talking to me […]
By Mike Adams
Vaccine court confirms healthy 13 year-old boy was made tetraplegic by the chicken pox vaccine
The debate about whether vaccines cause severe damage and harm to children is over. Anyone claiming vaccines cause no harm is willfully ignorant of reality, as U.S. courts have concluded, over and over again, that vaccines provably cause serious and permanent damage to children. The latest such ruling to garner attention concerns a 13 year-old […]
By Mike Adams
“Machine consciousness” debunked in new mini-documentary by the Health Ranger
To the techno-worshippers, humans will soon become “immortal” because they will be able to “transfer” their consciousness into machines. Or AI systems will become “self aware,” achieving the same mind consciousness that we experience as living, spirit-imbued beings with free will. Today, I’ve just released a new mini-documentary called The Folly of Machine Consciousness. It […]
By Mike Adams
The top 10 most outrageous science hoaxes of 2016
Science hoaxes were running rampant throughout 2016, pushed by the fakestream media (CNN, WashPost, NYT, etc.) alongside complicit government organizations working in collusion with dishonest corporations steeped in scientific fraud (Monsanto, Big Pharma, etc.). 2016 saw more science hoaxes than a typical year, with the media placing special emphasis on the Zika virus terror campaign […]
By Mike Adams hit piece on Natural News backfires: Health Ranger confirmed as world’s most powerful foe of corporate science fraud
Two years ago, I exposed writer Jon Entine as a violent psychopath who physically attacked his wife and committed widespread journalistic fraud to push Monsanto propaganda. Under pressure for hiring such a reprobate, fired Entine, who has ties to conservative institutions like the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and George Mason University. Entine has […]
By Mike Adams
EM Drive is an “impossible” spacecraft engine that generates thrust from the quantum vacuum, using no moving parts and producing no exhaust
I’m a fan of physicist Richard Feynman, and one of his most memorable quotes explains that “Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts.” Indeed, the “experts” of science are so often wrong that it makes their arrogance laughable, and today we have yet another example of an emerging, unexplained technology that’s sending […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger announces “science warrior” effort to protect Native American waters from pollution, heavy metals and fracking chemicals
As a person of color, I’ve always wondered about my heritage. It’s a natural thing to ponder your ancestors: their journeys, their experiences, their hopes and dreams. Several people in my family are genealogy buffs, and they’ve confirmed to me that, like many thousands of other Americans, I am a direct descendant of the real […]
By Mike Adams
“Fake” olive oil warnings don’t tell the real story: In truth, popular olive oil products are “real” oils which are oxidized, rancid or cut with cheaper oils
There’s been a lot of news recently about the “fake brands” of olive oil, but such proclamations are gross oversimplifications of what’s really happening in the dishonest olive oil industry. As a forensic food scientist and lab science director, I wanted to get to the bottom of this “fake olive oil” news, so I went […]
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