News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
How the mainstream media openly promotes CHEMICAL VIOLENCE against children (video)
We’ve just published a new mini-documentary video that tells the horrifying truth about how the mainstream media openly promotes chemical violence against children. The New York Times, the LA Times, the Washington Post, CNN and all the other mainstream media outlets are controlled by Big Pharma and the CDC. Their medical “narrative” is shaped to […]
By Mike Adams
Al Gore confuses TIDES with global warming ocean rise apocalypse, claims fish are “swimming in the streets” of Miami due to climate change
The sheer idiocy of Al Gore and the climate change cultists never ceases to amaze me. Now, according to Al Gore, every time the moon’s gravity causes tides to roll in, it’s a “global warming” apocalypse and proof that the oceans are catastrophically rising at the rate of nearly one foot per hour. Seriously, this […]
By Mike Adams
Ten alarming, REAL threats to the environment that are widely ignored by “climate change” advocates
The art of climate fear mongering is rooted in the ability to terrorize the population over threats that hardly matter at all while completely ignoring the REAL threats to our global ecosystem. Isn’t it interesting how people who shudder in fear over President Trump pulling out of the Paris climate treaty say nothing about Fukushima […]
By Mike Adams
Global warming “hockey stick” data founded on FRAUD… computer models “hacked” to produce warming trend from any data set
“The hockey stick debate is thus about two things. At a technical level it is about flaws in methodology and erroneous results in a scientific paper. But at a political level, the debate is about whether the IPCC betrayed the trust of governments around the world.” – Professor Ross McKitrick, 2005 In late 2016, the […]
By Mike Adams
The REAL SCIENCE behind carbon dioxide: Plants use CO2 to create CBD, THC, curcumin and all medicinal molecules
The key accomplishment of the climate change cult (so far) has been to convince gullible environmentalists that carbon dioxide is a “pollutant” that’s somehow bad for the planet, even when CO2 is the “greening” molecule for all plant life. Carbon dioxide is the essential molecule for all plant life, and without it, the entire web […]
By Mike Adams
The Paris Climate Accord is GENOCIDE against plants, forests and all life on our planet
The primary goal of the Paris Climate Accord — the reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide — is nothing less than genocide against all plant life across our planet. That’s because all plants depend on CO2 for their very survival. It’s the “oxygen” for plants, and right now trees, grasses and food crops are starving for […]
By Mike Adams
The Lost Pines of Central Texas reveal why DROUGHTS are caused by cutting down forests (Health Ranger Science VIDEO)
People who don’t know much about the hydrologic cycle automatically think that droughts are caused by “global warming” or “climate change.” After all, this is the junk science nonsense that’s repeated in schools by science teachers who often don’t know much about science in the first place. In reality, it’s the clear cutting of coastline […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger’s science paper on cannabis extract analysis published in mainstream science journal LC/GC
As I promised fans and readers a year ago, a mainstream, peer-reviewed science journal has just published a science paper I co-authored. The paper has been published by the LC/GC journal and is entitled Liquid Chromatography–Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for Cannabinoid Profiling and Quantitation in Hemp Oil Extracts. This is the first science paper I’ve had […]
By Mike Adams
Peer-reviewed science journal gets HOAXED by fake science paper that claims PENISES cause climate change
Remember when I said recently that the entire left-wing scientific establishment has become convinced that everything causes climate change? My assertion has now been confirmed beyond any doubt. A peer-reviewed science journal has just been caught publishing a hilariously fake science paper — written in leftish-sounding “sciency gibberish” — that literally claims penises cause climate […]
By Mike Adams
BOSTON RALLY this Thursday to target the Boston Herald for stating that vaccine skeptics should all be “hanged to death”
After the Boston Herald published an article claiming that scientists, journalists and naturopaths who oppose injecting children with mercury should be “hanged to death,” all hell broke loose for the Herald and its editor, Rachelle Cohen. For starters, Natural News urged its readers and fans to report the Boston Herald to the Boston FBI and […]
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