News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Sunscreen WARNING: Chlorinated water transforms sunscreen ingredients into cancer-causing chemicals while you swim
New research conducted at Lomonosov Moscow State University finds that sunscreen ingredients are transformed into cancer-causing chemicals when exposed to chlorine in swimming pool water. In effect, sunscreen plus chlorinated swimming pool water is a kind of “binary weapon” that produces cancer-causing chemicals right on your skin as you are swimming. The chemicals created in […]
By Mike Adams
New “RNA interference” crop technology WEAPONIZES food into the ultimate eugenics weapon… could target Blacks for covert sterilization
A devastating new food weaponization technology has been developed called “RNA interference.” This technology, initially rolled out to destroy the fertility of pests, could easily be expanded into a genocidal food-based weapon that targets African-Americans to destroy their fertility. The same technology could also be fine-tuned to target Whites, Latinos, Asians or other races with […]
By Mike Adams
“Negative Hallucination” hypnosis experiment demonstration video – MUST SEE
In this mind-boggling short video, you can experiment firsthand how the mainstream media puts America under the SPELL of mass hypnosis, using a psychological phenomenon known as “negative hallucination.” I covered this in great detail in this Natural News article that provides visual examples of both positive and negative hallucinations now in full effect across […]
By Mike Adams
Hard-hitting docu-series “GMOs Revealed” begins airing TODAY… see explosive new revelations about dangers of GMOs and glyphosate
A groundbreaking new docu-series called “GMOs Revealed” launches today. You can register to view it at this link. The eye-opening documentary series delivers 9 episodes that reveal hard-hitting truths about GMOs, glyphosate, genetic pollution, Monsanto, seed monopolies, crop collapse and many other topics. This is the “can’t miss” docu-series on GMOs that every person who […]
By Mike Adams
Amazon has made a fortune selling counterfeit products… and today it might cause thousands to lose their eyesight
Every tech giant has a dirty little secret that behind its market success. In the early days of dial-up internet, for example, AOL (which stands for America On Line) earned most of its revenues from pay-by-the-hour connection fees that granted users access to adult chat rooms. Google’s success has been ensured by it functioning as […]
By Mike Adams
MASS EXTINCTION event now under way that will decimate the global human population, scientists claim
A hotly-debated study led by Professor Gerardo Ceballos at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico warns that the human population explosion is leading to the widespread contamination and destruction of the planet, ultimately collapsing life support systems upon which human civilization depends. As reported by The Times of Israel: Human overpopulation and over-consumption are leading […]
By Mike Adams
Cobalt in hip replacement parts found to cause Alzheimer’s disease via heavy metals poisoning
Hip replacement parts are often made with cobalt, a toxic heavy metal. Doctors are now concerned that cobalt poisoning is causing Alzheimer’s among hip replacement recipients. As reported by the UK Daily Mail: The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency announced last month that patients would be called in for x-rays and blood tests to […]
By Mike Adams
American Diabetes Association a FRAUD: Recommended recipes found to contain ingredients that cause diabetes
The American Diabetes Association is a total fraud. The group exists to promote diabetes, not eliminate it, and proof of that is found in the fact that the ADA posts recipes on its own website that promote diabetes! FACT: All the top “disease” organizations have been captured by pharmaceutical interests. The American Cancer Society is […]
By Mike Adams
PPI drugs warning: Study finds 50% increased risk of death from long-term use of Proton Pump Inhibitors
PPI drugs commonly used to mask the symptoms of heartburn have been found to increase the risk of death by 50%, according to a new study carried out at the Washington University School of Medicine. As Natural News reports: PPIs, which are readily available over the counter under brand names such as Prevacid, Prilosec, and […]
By Mike Adams
Global Warming BOMBSHELL: Systematic science fraud revealed in alteration of temperature data
A rational review of global warming data has unveiled systematic scientific fraud to alter temperature data in support of the global warming false narrative. This is the largest discovery of scientific fraud in the history of science, and it shows that “global warming” and “climate change” are elaborate science hoaxes rooted in fraud, not fact. […]
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