News & Articles By Arsenio Toledo
By Arsenio Toledo
Scientists uncover link between low tide and earthquakes
Many scientific investigations have been conducted to figure out if there is a connection between the tide and earthquakes. For decades, scientists have failed to understand exactly why there is an uptick in earthquake tremors during low tide. A new study, published in the journal Nature Communications, has finally figured out the mysterious link between the two. […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Wet-dog smell, tobacco smoke and skunk spray: Various factors affect how long an unpleasant scent lingers, explain researchers
The human nose can distinguish at least one trillion different scents. Many of these smells will come and go fairly quickly. However, others, such as disgusting smells, don’t disappear fast enough. The brain recognizes smells with the help of special sensory cells known as olfactory receptor neurons that are located inside the nose. Once they receive a […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Rubber tires can’t protect your car from lightning: This dangerous myth is DEBUNKED by a motorcyclist who died when he was struck by lightning
The concept of rubber tires protecting your car from lightning turns out to be a myth, and a dangerous one at that. A motorcyclist in Florida was struck by lightning during a storm, causing him to crash. This man is just one of the 20 people who died from being struck by lightning in 2019. The accident should […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Scientists explore Atlantis Massif in the Atlantic Ocean to find out how creatures survive on alien water worlds
Deep in the middle of the Northern Atlantic Ocean lies an underwater mountain that, at its highest, rises to be nearly 2,300 feet below the surface. This mountain, known as the Atlantis Massif, after the fabled city that sunk into the ocean, is filled with underwater chimneys that spew minerals and hot water into the ocean. This […]
By Arsenio Toledo
French researchers claim to have created metallic hydrogen in a lab: Material can “conduct electricity indefinitely at room temperature”
Metallic hydrogen is a state of hydrogen wherein the element is able to conduct electricity. Scientists have spent close to a century attempting to create this material. A team of French researchers now claim that they’ve done it. Normally, hydrogen isn’t a great conductor. However, physicists since the 1930s have suspected that if hydrogen were to be […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Fascinating study finds that the presence of atmospheric oxygen triggers the removal of webbed digits in amphibians and amniotes
A study published in the journal Developmental Cell found that when certain animal species detect the presence of atmospheric oxygen, their webbed digits can turn into free fingers. This is especially the case in the embryotic development of amphibians and amniotes, which includes birds, reptiles and even mammals, all of which are capable of having either webbed digits […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Say goodbye to flat tires: Michelin develops new ‘puncture-proof’ airless tires
Flat tires may soon be a thing of the past. Michelin and General Motors (GM) have announced the development of a prototype for production-ready airless tires, which could roll out and replace old pneumatic rubber tires by 2025. Both companies say they have been developing the airless tires for the better part of two decades. Michelin calls their […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Amazing study reveals bees can connect symbols to numbers: Insects COMPUTE
Research has established that bees understand the concept of zero and are capable of doing basic math. Now, a recent research conducted by scientists from the RMIT University in Australia suggests that bees are also capable of being trained to connect symbols to numbers in order to receive food. This experiment used a carrot and stick reward system to […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Mining the next frontier: NASA invests in optical mining tech for use on asteroids, the moon
NASA is investing in optical mining technology that will make it easier for resources to be extracted from the moon and, potentially, asteroids. NASA, through its Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program, will begin exploring the feasibility of developing technology that combines robotic rovers with mining tech that could turn mining in space from a science fiction […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Researchers spot 2 new Earth-like planets orbiting a tiny star located about 12.5 light-years from our Solar System
Astronomers believe that they have found two new Earth-like exoplanets situated within their host star’s habitable zone, or the area around a star that can support the existence of liquid water. These are the conclusions of the scientists who have been observing the star known as Teegarden’s Star, an ultra-cool dwarf that sits just 12.5 light-years […]
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