03/26/2021 / By Ethan Huff
Now that the private central bank is just about through destroying the American economy with its fake fiat currency Ponzi scheme, the Federal Reserve is shifting its focus to global warming with the establishment of a new Financial Stability Climate Committee.
Drawing from a pool of “expertise” across the American financial landscape, the Federal Reserve intends to address climate change issues that it says directly impact financial stability. Select money changers will have the opportunity to offer their two cents as to how the Federal Reserve and the financial markets can weather the storm of climate change.
According to Lael Brainard, a member of the Fed’s board of governors, this new committee will assess not just potential climate shocks “but also whether climate change might make the financial system more vulnerable in ways that could amplify these shocks and cause broader knock-on effects that could harm households, businesses, and communities.”
Brainard warns that without full transparency across the Federal Reserve system, climate-related risks to the financial system could “build up in hidden pockets, embedding vulnerabilities that could result in cascading losses in the event of large-scale adverse weather outcomes or other shocks to asset valuations.”
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) along with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) are also on board. Both entities have launched their own respective climate initiatives that some might say fulfill their initiation into the climate cult.
The SEC has already announced plans to potentially require publicly traded companies to disclose the alleged risks they face from climate change and emissions reduction policies. These disclosures will more than likely have a direct impact on companies’ stock valuations, changing, to some degree, the way the markets operate.
In a nutshell, the finance sector is merging with the climate sector, and Republican lawmakers are not amused. They say climate change issues are completely outside the bounds of the Fed’s jurisdiction and should not even be a consideration when it comes to how the Fed operates.
Republicans also say that implementing climate scenario analyses within the financial sector will put pressure on banks and other financial institutions to shy away from investing in fossil fuel producers, which would eventually bankrupt the traditional energy sector.
Such manipulation will fulfill the goals of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 plan for a new world order, transitioning economies out of prosperity and into socialism.
Using climate change as cover, the UN’s plan is to plunge the entire globe into poverty, which is more easily done when everyday folks no longer have access to cheap and abundant fossil fuels. Wind and solar, as we recently saw in Texas, simply will not cut it.
That the Fed is now also pushing this agenda is hardly a surprise. At some point even it will have to go away and be replaced with a global currency system that is nation non-specific – meaning everyone will be tied to the same currency, which will most likely be a digital cryptocurrency of some sort.
The CFTC released a first-of-its-kind climate report back in 2019 that pegged climate change as the biggest long-running risk to the financial system that exists.
This same report made a recommendation that 16 financial regulators and other bodies work to “incorporate climate-related risk into their mandates and develop a strategy for integrating these risks in their work, including into their existing monitoring and oversight functions.”
To keep up with the latest news about the collapsing financial system, be sure to check out Collapse.news.
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Tagged Under: central bank, climate change, climate committee, corruption, economy, fake currency, Federal Reserve, fiat, Financial Stability Climate Committee, global warming, power, stupid, Tyranny